Tristan at 11 months
Tristan turn 11 months more than a week ago, he can understand "no" and some simple words now, but still don't know how to say a proper word yet, he likes to chase soap bubbles at bathe time, and he's still having his only 35% tooth, which seems to take forever to grow ;o)Sometimes he'll pick up the book & flip the pages, as if he really knows how to read, it's fun watching him doing that.
These are only a quarter of his toys, but he gets bored of them very quickly, I have to store some of them away for a while and reintroduce to him later to keep him interested on them.
This is a chocolate that I bought in Singapore, it's a UK brand, and is very costly, I got 3 pieces of dark chocolate with nuts in this box, and that costs me around $14.xx Singapore Dollar ! I'm a dark chocolate fan so I was willing to pay the price to taste the different types of chocolate.
Anyway this proved to be a good buy, not only the dark chocolates taste excellent, Tristan loves this box so much compared to all his other toys, that he'll play with them every night, before going to sleep.
Yup. Dark chocolate is nice. I like it too!
You came to singapore often?
Hey Alex, I seldom go to Singapore nowadays .. It's a very nice shopping place except very crowded :)
hahaha, this is such a cute post. i like the paragraph you said you have to hide his toys and reintroduce to him. hehe, very cute!
i like swiss chocolate. i have this gold bar like swiss chocolate in my fridge that i feel sayang to eat...
oh yes, btw, i wonder what he do with the boxes? build houses? but too few pieces to build that... wonder wonder.. :)
Hmm .. Swiss Chocolate is a world class chocolate, we managed to bought some in Geneva, which costs us more than $10 Euro, those were really great chocolate, but I don't remember the brand now ..
Umm .. He will lick, bite, knock, throw, use one to rub against his mouth and say "bababa", then repeat ;o) He's not smart enough to build anything now :)
I was just wondering why... would dark chocolate have anything to do with this posting...its elegant looking but colourful box can also b a toy...!
hullo bee!! i like the few latest post of urs alot, nice topic and excellent pics. u are rite, i can imagine how cute is tristan look likes when he's fliping those little books :) btw think u sud write about the chocolate under another topic, that cud be another interesting story i believe, since i love chocolte too :) can't wait..
actually at first, it seems that Tristan flipping the books and the chocolate appear out of nowhwere.
But actually they are related. Bee is trying to tell us, the choc are expensive, but it is worth it, bcos the boxes double up as toys for Tristan.
Hey Tat Oon, great to see you again :) The quality of the box is very good, so it can withstand the lick/knock/throw, lucky thing is that his only tooth was only 35% now, so the box still survive till today ;o)
Hello i.f, I'll write something about chocolate one day since I'm a dark chocolate fans :)
Jenny, thanks for the explaination which indirectly reflects your comment to this posr :)
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